
求一篇文章 How to lead a happy life

來(lái)源:hztdqczl.cn???時(shí)間:2021-10-16 04:39???點(diǎn)擊:182??編輯:汪玲???手機(jī)版

As to the issue how to lead a happy life,there are various views. Some people regard as the material prosperity is of great importance,while others focus the persuit of happiness is the very essence of happiness. In my opinion,both of the ideas have got some inherent deficiency. True, we can't survive with out material,such as money. But we can't buy everything with money. As the old saying goes,money is a good servant but a bad master,so this view may lead us to the mammonlizm. As for the second view, we can't deny that it is the hard quality of mind and character are of value in a pioneer society.But remember,we should alway take things lightly and never be so serious that we forget to laugh.
